Jay Challa and Vinai Thummalapally from Rural Empowerment recently met with Cybersecurity training students at Danville Community College, sharing their mission of creating economic opportunities for underserved rural areas.

Their focus is on providing targeted training programs to equip individuals with the skills needed for 21st-century jobs. Despite the stereotype that tech opportunities are limited to urban centers, Challa and Thummalapally understand the universal demand for cybersecurity expertise.


By partnering with institutions like Danville Community College, they’re bridging the rural-urban gap and fostering economic growth in overlooked regions. Their holistic approach not only imparts technical skills but also nurtures talent and fosters entrepreneurship, creating sustainable economic ecosystems.

Rural Empowerment is very happy to partner with Danville Community College and Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce to participate in the second cohort and provide a 16-week Cybersecurity training. Congratulations to the 16 students who graduated in the first cohort, and welcome to the 17 students of the second cohort.